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Emergency Management Division Citizens Serving Citizens with Pride & Tradition

BRE Registration

Welcome to Business Re-Entry (BRE) Registration. Fill in the fields below to register your business in the BRE database. All fields except secondary contacts are required. We recommend providing at least one secondary contact to ensure receipt of important communications from the BRE system. Learn more about BRE and the benefits to your company.

Organization Information

Point of Contact


(format: xxx-xxx-xxxx)


BRE Information


      • BRE Registration does not grant, provide or guarantee any right of access to any area at any time by any organization. The Washington State Emergency Management Division (EMD) has no authority to grant entry or access to any area, and neither BRE Registration nor the issuance of BRE Registration Cards grants, authorizes or guarantees re-entry or access to any area of the State by any BRE registered organization. Authority to grant re-entry or access to any impacted area resides entirely with the authorized government officials responsible for exercising control over the impacted area. Access may be revoked at any time once granted by local authorities. Surrender BRE Registration Card if requested by an authority from any level of government.
      • BRE Registration is a voluntary program. Private sector organizations who participate are voluntarily submitting their information to EMD. Local governments who wish to utilize the program to assist their decision-making during re-entry operations do so voluntarily and are not bound by law to observe the BRE Registration program.
      • EMD will actively share information gathered from BRE registered organizations with local government officials. EMD will not actively share information gathered from BRE registered organizations with the general public, however all information contained in this database is a public record subject to public disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. EMD will comply with all public disclosure requests.
      • EMD neither encourages nor discourages any private sector organization, its officers, employees or agents, about seeking permission to access any restricted area following a disaster/incident through appropriate authorized local government officials. Such access may include risk of injury to persons or property, or death, that should be carefully evaluated by the organization at the time access is sought.
      • EMD does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information submitted by registering organizations or of any BRE Registration Cards presented by any person or organization. Users of the BRE Registration program information and Cards are solely responsible for reliance on any BRE Registration program information used and BRE Registration Cards presented. Each private sector organization who voluntarily registers for the program is responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted.
      • If fraudulent activity is discovered, EMD may change the registration status of BRE registered organization(s), request the destruction of corresponding BRE Registration Cards, and notify local government users of the changes via the BRE Registration database and/or direct communication.